1112 Strategic Goal 2 - Numeracy


Kaikohe East School

Curriculum Report – Numeracy

November 2011


To raise the achievement levels of all children in Basic Facts and Place Value at Kaikohe East School, while continuing with the understanding and strategies set out across all the strands of the maths curriculum

Assessment Procedures

Trend Analysis

Students and Groups of Students at risk

Teaching and learning strategies to address the above

Looking Ahead

There will continue to be greater emphasis on multiplication and division teaching, using reverse multiplication to teach division. Data testing and collection will continue twice a year. Results will be collated by each teacher and entered into ETAP. These will be analysed at a staff meeting. From this hot spots will be identified for planning purposes. Using the research done by Karen Major, each teacher will have a prepared teaching resource to assist in teaching specific concepts of Place Value.

For more useful and consistent data testing will take place in Term 1 and late Term 3.

The Numeracy Team will continue to meet fortnightly to look at the data and discuss ways to support the children and teachers. This is shared back at School Staff meetings.


Below are graphs for the end of year numeracy results at each year level.

The Stages relate to our ‘I Can’ levels as follows, the results are in percentages, not numbers of children. The yellow is the National Standard.

Stage 1 – Emergent to One to one Counting

Stage 2 – Count All ( Materials)          

Stage 3 – Count All (Imaging)

Stage 4 – Advanced Counting

Stage 5 – Early Additive, Part Whole

Stage 6 – Advanced Additive

Stage 7 – Early Multiplicative

These graphs show the addition and subtraction results for Term 1 and Term 4 for year 6 students 2011

This shows how many Students are working at each Stage for each question.

IKAN Y5 – 8 Students

IKAN Y6 – 11 Students


Compiled by

Elaine Shields and the Numeracy Team