1307 Operations Policy Review - Finance - 1 July 2013

Financial Policies

Financial Planning

Budgeting shall not fail to reflect the school’s strategic results, risk financial jeopardy nor fail to show a generally acceptable level of foresight. Thus financial processes must: 

Financial Condition

The financial viability of the organisation must be protected at all times. Therefore, the principal shall not:

Asset Management

Assets may not be unprotected, inadequately maintained or unnecessarily risked. Accordingly, the principal may not:

Principal's Interpretation

Data to Verify that the Policy Interpretation is Being Fulfilled

 "Overall, based on our knowledge of your school and the results of our audit procedures, we again found that the financial control environment at your school to be good. The attitude towards controls and ensuring your school is being governed effectively is very positive. We were also impressed that your board appears concerned about planning and performance monitoring."

Chicky Rudkin


Policy Review

Financial Planning

Budgeting shall not fail to reflect the school’s strategic results, risk financial jeopardy nor fail to show a generally acceptable level of foresight. Thus financial processes must:

1. Reflect the results sought by the school

Not okay


2. Reflect the priorities as established by the board

Not okay


3. Comply with the requirement for a balanced budget

Not okay


4. Ensure adequate working capital

Not okay


5. Demonstrate an appropriate degree of conservatism in all estimates

Not okay



Some codes missed due to ?? new system??

We finished 2012 with a working capital of $583,382 and although we have a deficit budget for 2013 we expect to finish the year with a Working Capital of $365,123

Financial Condition

The financial viability of the organisation must be protected at all times. Therefore, the principal shall not:

1. Incur unauthorised debt

Not Okay


2. Violate generally accepted accounting practices or principles

Not Okay


3. Use tagged funds for purposes other than those approved

Not Okay


4. Spend more funds than have been allocated in the fiscal year

Not Okay


5. Fail to ensure all money owed to the school is collected in a timely manner

Not Okay



Re (2) above - the auditor noted that we need to ensure that all invoices are initialled as approved, and that we should not make advances from school funds to staff who do not receive the correct pay.

Novopay overpayments still of concern

6. Fail to make timely payment to staff and other creditors

Not Okay


7. Sell or purchase unauthorised property

Not Okay


8. Fail to ensure that all relevant government returns are completed on time

Not Okay


9. Fail to ensure that no one person has complete authority over the school’s financial transactions

Not Okay


10. Make any purchases or financial commitment of over $1,000 without obtaining competitive process and quality information

Not Okay


11. Make any purchases or financial commitment of over $1,000 without an adequate review of ongoing cost, value and reliability

Not Okay



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Asset Management

Assets may not be unprotected, inadequately maintained or unnecessarily risked. Accordingly, the principal may not:

1. Fail to insure assets

Not Okay


2. Allow unauthorised personnel to handle funds or school property

Not Okay


3. Subject plant and equipment to improper wear and tear or insufficient maintenance or inappropriate use

Not Okay


4. Fail to protect intellectual property, information and files from loss or significant damage or unauthorised access or duplication

Not Okay


5. Receive, process or disburse funds under controls that are insufficient to meet the auditor’s standards

Not Okay


6. Invest or hold operating capital in insecure accounts, or in non-interest bearing accounts except where necessary to facilitate ease in operational transactions

Not Okay



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