Charter 2010


Education Act 1989, Sections 75 and 76

s.75 Boards to control management of schools –

Except to the extent that any enactment or the general law of New Zealand provides otherwise, a school’s board has complete discretion to control the management of the school as it thinks fit.

s.76 Principals –

(1) A school’s principal is the board’s chief executive in relation to the school’s control and management.

(2) Except to the extent that any enactment or the general law of New Zealand provides otherwise, the principal –

Shall comply with the board’s general policy directions; and

Subject to paragraph (a) of this subsection, has complete discretion to manage as the principal thinks fit the school’s day to day administration.



The School and its Community

National Education Priorities

Kaikohe East School recognizes the government’s National Education Priorities:

National priorities are:

The school integrates the National Educational Goals and National Education Priorities at governance and operational levels by giving them full consideration when planning school developments or school/class programmes.

Cultural Diversity

Te Reo

Procedural Information

Strategic Plan


To be:

Core Values

We value the 4 Cs:


To create a community of learners with:


To create a community of Maori learners with:



Annual Plan – 2010 Goals

Goal One - Literacy Achievement

Measures and Targets


Goal Two - Numeracy Achievement

Measures and Targets




Charter Consultation Plan

The Kaikohe East School Board consults annually with the Maori community and wider community.   

Processes for consultation include:

Variance Report 2009-10

Goal 1 (NZC) For teaching staff to understand and begin to develop and implement a curriculum that is underpinned by and consistent with the principals of the NZC.


What happened


Monitoring and reporting.


During 2009 the BOT received reports on:

Condensed versions of these reports appeared in the school newsletter.

Goal  2   (literacy) 

To increase the utilization of the library and its resources to enhance literacy skills across the curriculum


What we did

Monitoring and reporting.

Goal 3: (Achievement of Maori pupils)              

In consultation with whanau of children in the bi-lingual unit, we will develop an overarching philosophy defining policies, plans and targets for improving achievement of pupils within the bi-lingual unit. 

This will include, but may not be limited to, the following:


Rangimarie and Tumanako are two classrooms within the school which are identified as being ‘The Whanau unit’.  Rangimarie has Y0 – Y3 students and Tumanako is made of children from Y4 – Y6.  At the end of 2009 it was felt  there was no overarching philosophy nor policies that inform the staff, students or wider community of the expectations, plans and/or targets of these 2 ‘special character’ classrooms.

What we did


Ministry Approval

Printing the Charter